Pastel 285 - Vermilion Summer?

Pastel 285 - Vermilion Summer?


Oooops. With one Pastel 285 out of sight, I numbered another one the same way! This has happened once before, and there is a gap or two where I goofed up the numbers, as well. Something for art historians to stumble over, if my work is ever the object of study…

This was not intentionally like the other Vermilion Summer pieces, but now that I’m posting it, it seems related, for sure. Mostly this is about cockatoos and the way birds and bells play together in my head. I’ve done that before, in a watercolor called Glee.

18 x 24 - Pastel and Sharpie on kraft paper

Caribou Landscape

Caribou Landscape

Vermilion Summer - Part 4B

Vermilion Summer - Part 4B