Sometimes things don't work out, or aren't serious

Sometimes things don't work out, or aren't serious

Not all pieces end up as well as I would like. And some things are just meant to be “an explore” as Winnie the Pooh would say. So here are some pieces that were more strange or incomplete, just to keep the record straight. If artists only show their polished stuff people get the mistaken idea that everything is under control. Nothing alive is under control.

Oh there are so many more! I could put dozens in here with little effort searching. It was freeing to post these. Play, experimentation, with or without witnesses, is so important and so easy to stop doing in favor of “serious” work - but these little messes fill the well that the more finished work must rise from.

Watercolor and wax resist

Watercolor and wax resist

I need some bears...

I need some bears...