Introvert Extrovert
It is a good thing, no? that the world is made up of both introverts and extroverts. Dot (le poulet "Dorothy") seems never to take a breath, her mind funneling directement to her beak. Toad, on whom I sit in the photograph below, is quiet, toujours. Not a word. Jamais. Between these North and South Poles (or perhaps these South and North Poles?) is the entire planet Earth with every humaine somewhere between on that globe of introversion and extroversion. Here at the Fontaine Emery, with Debbie, the spitting hippo who makes it une fontaine, we have the verbal antipodes.
Etienne is puzzled by the current trend in nouveau cafes and bistros to have all noise and excitation and no quiet for conversation. As if the turn had come for the extroverts to design all the restaurants in the manner of Dot. Nothing is wrong with this kind of ambiance, but why so many? Why does fashion send so many humaines back and forth across the ship tipping everything? Or, returning to the analogie du monde, why all day or night on the poles only and why not new things popping up at the Tropique du Capricorne, and l'équateur? Where is la variete? Is there no market for owners of quiet cafes and posh restaurants with cozy seating and gentle background for quiet talking? The daytime feeding is quieter - it is at night that the noise seems de rigueur. Pourquoi?
Here is a photo that shows Debbie, the Hippo, as well as Globose, the other toad de la fontaine.