More Maquettes
I took on a challenge to produce and post (in a workshop) a paper maquette every day for 100 days. Today is day 69. Below are some of my recent favorite results. I put out a dark piece of paper for a backdrop. Then I grab some paper shapes from one of several folders of them that I have made over the last 70 days or so, and I close my eyes and sprinkle them onto the backdrop. I call this the Blind Drop - it lets the universe take a hand. Finally, I look at what happened and see something interesting to bring out with adding and subtracting of shapes. I have made a little set of eyes of various kinds to use on these - the eyes bring them to life. Then I take a photo and put it all away. The photo and memories are all that remain.
Who knew spatulas made good frog legs?
This one is “Dad makes breakfast”
This one uses the negative space - the backdrop color - and I had to fill in the rest.
This is “The hunting of the cunning wren.” I DO love those spatula shapes!